Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Out of Office & Clarisa

Well, the year's ending and I thought I'd say something before I take off to the end of the world.  That's right:  the end of the world!  Tomorrow morning, Daniel and I are flying out to Punta Arenas, going on a 12-day trip to the glaciers in that area and to Tierra del Fuego.  Pictures of that will come soon after, I promise.

So, I will be out of reach until January 12, and will be back in the US on January 15th.  I'll reply any emails and/or calls then.

In the meantime, I'll leave you with some pictures of my new niece, Clarisa.  She was born last February (yes, 10 months ago!) and I have just met her...  and I.am.in.LOVE!  I've been in Chile now for 2 weeks and I need my daily "Clarisa-fix", I'm hooked.  She is the friendliest, happiest baby I've ever met, and she can dance too!  So, here she is, meet Clarisa and fall in love.